Lottery FAQ

Our lottery is held the first Monday in February for the next school year and subsequent lotteries are held monthly for those who apply after the initial lottery date. If there are more students who would like to attend than there are seats available, those students will be placed on a waitlist. We use the waitlist throughout the year to determine priority for admission as spots become available. The waitlist does not carry over from year to year so please re-apply in February of the next year if your student hasn’t secured a spot.

Required Enrollment Documents

Following the lottery, if an invitation is extended you will be required to bring in a number of documents including your student’s original birth certificate, a copy of immunizations, proof of Washington County residency, and a copy of IEP/504 plan (if applicable). 

Please prepare now to have these items quickly available.

Immunization Information

The following immunizations must be completed or an exemption certificate provided at the time of acceptance. This includes getting all kindergarten shots and the additional shots for incoming 7th graders. 

Please prepare now.

  • DTaP, TDP, DT, Td, Tdap (5 shots - If the 4th dose was administered on or after the 4th birthday then only 4 shots are required)
  • Polio (4 shots- If the 3rd shot was administered on or after the 4th birthday then only 3 shots are required) 
  • MMR (2 shots)
  • Hep B/HBV (3 shots) 
  • Varicella/Chickenpox (2 shots)
  • Hep A/HAAV (2 shots)
  • All incoming 7th graders also need Tdap booster (1 shot) and Meningococcal (1 shot)

If you are coming from out of state you will be required to show proof of immunizations or provide a Utah exemption. 

For Kindergarteners receiving their final immunizations after the acceptance date, a doctor’s appointment date for the immunizations will be required. Please note that all kindergarten immunizations must be completed at least one week before the 1st day of school.

Please visit our Policies & Forms page to view the Exemption form.

For enrollment questions, please contact